Wait, What Year Is It?

This meme was first published on my Facebook page on April 15, 2019.
During the first year of our involvement in competition dance, I knew that our weekends were no longer our own. Between classes, rehearsals, competitions, and conventions, I quickly realized that the beginning of the year would be chock full of commitments (so it’s just SUPER CONVENIENT that all three of my kids’ birthdays are during that time frame, just saying). Being a full-time, working, single mom, I was fully aware that I would have to do some serious schedule crunching to make it all work.
Early on, though, I was thrown for a loop. For our very first convention, I found out that I would have to leave my job early that Friday to make it to the venue by the meeting time for that night’s classes. I was shocked! I mean, they know that kids go to school and adults work, right?! Okay, deep breaths. I decided that I would just suck it up, take a half day off, and have everything packed the night before so that we would make it on time. I mean, how often can this be necessary, right?
Oh, You Gonna LEARN!
Ah, such naivety. After the schedule for our second convention was released, I quickly figured out that I would have to repeat the process I used for the first one (half day off work, pack early, etc.). With a sinking feeling, I realized that this would probably be as good as it gets; after all, my girls were still in the “baby room” at conventions, and the schedule would grow more demanding as the dancers “aged up.”
In speaking with more experienced dance moms of older girls, I discovered that we were definitely on the lower end of the commitment spectrum. The mini, junior, teen, and senior soloists and duo/trio partners often need to arrive on the previous Thursday (or even Wednesday) for their special numbers! So when my girls were offered their first duo, I knew that our reality would now include extended competition and convention weekends.
The First One is Always the Toughest
After our first extended dance weekend, I was…well…the word “exhausted” does not even begin to describe it. Desperation began creeping in on Sunday night as I was driving home from Philadelphia. Time seemed to be dragging and flying, all at the same time. A pit of dread was forming in my stomach when I realized that I would be getting up for work in a relatively short amount of time.
The next morning, I woke up with that weird, “Wait, what day is it? What am I supposed to be doing?” feeling. I was so thrown off that it took longer than I’d like to admit to get my bearings. Everything seemed foggy and strange. Much like Robin Williams’ character in Jumanji, I felt desperately out of touch and disconnected.
As reality began to slowly seep into my brain, I thought, “Oh God, no….” All of my pending responsibilities came to me in a flood – getting the kids ready for school, packing lunches, getting myself together, preparing my materials for the day’s lesson, driving to work…it all seemed too much to tackle.
Getting a Move On
Thankfully, there is coffee. I am shamefully dependent on caffeine (it’s not good for me, I know). While it didn’t fix all my problems, it did help me to feel human enough to start planning and organizing my day.
Those long weekends definitely mess with my temporal sense, even today. But after having so many events canceled during 2020 and 2021, I have a new appreciation for them. Still, though, those post-dance-weekend Monday mornings are rough.
Work hard, have fun! – Danielle
For a peek at how dance weekends can age you, check out Before and After!

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I can definitely relate especially now that we’re working from home. I some lost track of days 🙂 Then reality sets in..haha
My sense of time is SO thrown off as it is, never mind with a pandemic thrown in, lol.
Wow, I don’t know how you do it! Your girls are so lucky to have such a dedicated mom!
I feel the same way coming back into town. Tired from the trip, and have so much to do to play catch up from being gone!
Terra Booth
My daughter has been doing ballet with the National Ballet of Canada for the past several years, but wants to expand this out into competitive dance! This will definitely need to be something I will have to be ready for!
You have learned to budget your time like I learned to budget money. Your girls are lucky to have you. Thanks for sharing. Life is hard but we keep going for the ones we love.
Sabrina DeWalt
The things we suffer to allow our kids to live the full life.
Single moms have it hard, single moms with kids in competitive sports, that’s on another level. My mom had my brothers in hockey so I can definitely understand how you feel. Keep being a great but tired mom 😹💜🙌
Lisa Manderino
It sounds like a huge commitment for sure! Momma’s sacrfice!
Larissa Li
You are such a good mom! So committed to your daughters’ success and so organized. Can’t imagine doing that and full time job and being the only parent to rely upon… That’s a lot. Praying for relief and rest for your tired soul. Hugs to you and your beautiful family.
I embrace my caffine addiction. Coffee brings me joy and I refuse to apologize for it!
Coffee is my friend too! Indulge in your private pleasures. Oh, and do’t blink, before you know it this crazy chaotic time will be over and you’ll sorely miss it! Time flies!
I just love your memes so much, they brighten my day!! You are a trouper…I don’t know if I could do it. I’m with you on the caffeine!
OMG, I can totally relate! Tech and production weeks in theater are exactly the same way–I have to check my phone in the mornings to figure out what day it is, then go from there.
I can totally relate! My kids raced bicycles and there litterally was no off season becase the last cyclocross race was the begining of December and the first road race was the end of January.
I can certainly understand how this could be so overwhelming!
I don’t know how you do it! LOL. Hubby and I decided early on that it just would not be feasible to put all our kids in competitve sports, while both of us working shiftwork (usually opposite too). The kids were happy with seasonal activities, and we were not stressed. Your girls are so lucky they have a dedicated mom!
Cindy Moore
Competition weekend/weeks are rough! My daughter didn’t dance. She showed horses. The events are fun and exhausting. And then it’s back to a regular week. Whew.