Dancing With Masks – 5 Tips
At the end of last summer (2020), we attended two in-person dance competitions; one was outside under a ginormous tent (The Greatest Show, Part 1 and Part 2), and the other was inside a humongous expo center. For both events, block scheduling was the order of the day, so we were the only studio in the venue each time. Masks were required for spectators; the dancers only needed to wear them when they weren’t onstage. The kids placed their masks in a Zip-loc bag with their name on it, laid them on a table next to the stage, danced, and put the masks back on immediately after their number performed.
Going into this season, we knew the competition companies and venues would be making adjustments as needed to comply with the ever-changing COVID-19 protocols. Being in touch with many dance moms, I knew it was not uncommon for events to require the participants to wear the masks while dancing. As it turned out, we were about to get some firsthand knowledge of what it’s like to dance with a mask on.
Curve Ball
About a week and a half before our competition, we were notified that it had been moved across state lines. Truth be told, I was not completely shocked by this; here in New Jersey, venue changes have become more common since comps resumed. We also learned that we would be traveling to Pennsylvania, and that our kids would be required to dance with masks on.
Honestly, I was more surprised by the mask mandate than the venue change. After all, New Jersey has been a bit stricter with enforcing safety measures than many other states, and our protocols were some of the most restrictive in the country. As many dance moms have already learned, the venue itself can institute tighter rules than the state it’s in. So the studio began preparing the dancers for this new requirement.
The Day Of

When we entered the dressing room and began setting up our changing stations, the studio staff handed out two disposable masks per dancer – one tan and one black. They announced which mask would be worn for each routine, and gave quick instructions on how to pin them back into the hair.
The rationale behind two different masks was obvious – the colors should coordinate with the costume. Yes, it would look a bit silly if a lyrical dancer in a soft pastel dress wore a stark, black mask across her face. Pinning was necessary because many dancers in previous blocks watched helplessly as their masks slid down their faces, exposing their noses and mouths while they were dancing. However, be forewarned that the two elements together combined to create a kind of “perfect storm.”
Who Saw That Coming?
During one of our group routines, one dancer’s mask was pinned so high up into her hair that it began to ride up her face once the number started. Partway through the dance, our entire team executes a succession of turns; however, this girl simply could not see and, therefore, could not turn. She did the only thing she could reasonably, safely do; she stood in place. The snafu was obvious, and there is absolutely no way the judges missed it. As if that wasn’t enough, there was another turn sequence later in the dance that the same poor child just could not execute (the mask was still ridin’ high).
It’s nothing short of a miracle that the dance wound up placing second in its division; I can only assume the unlucky girl prayed for some sort of miracle while she stood in the middle of a pack of turning dancers. From what I’m told, another dancer suffered a similar fate in a later routine as well.
What might have prevented this unfortunate accident was if we had stuck to one color mask, and kept it on throughout the entire block. By the second dance, we moms would have known what adjustments would have needed to be made to keep it locked in place for the duration of our time. But because we kept switching masks during the already-frenzied quick changes, we had no time to triple-check them before sending our kids onstage.
Lessons Learned

If your dancers are required to wear masks onstage at their next competition, I have a few words of advice.
First, try to stick to just one mask for the entire block if at all possible. Doing so can avoid mix-ups, mask malfunctions (like we had), frantic searches when you misplace one, etc. With the new block scheduling format, there is already enough to do without adding extra elements. Keeping one mask on for the duration cuts down on the chances of something going wrong.
Second, use a couple of bobby pins on each side to anchor the ear loops of the mask into the hair, but DON’T pull it too high or far back. If it’s pulled too tightly, it may travel up the nose and obstruct your dancer’s view. As you’ve already read, that’s a recipe for disaster.
Third, research the venue’s and/or competition company’s mask requirements very carefully (and as early as possible). We were told that we needed to have masks (no gaiters or face shields). However, one studio outfitted their dancers with the clear face shields (we saw them on the live stream). Complying with the guidelines is essential; otherwise, we run the risk of fewer venues willing to host such events in the future.
Fourth, if the mask has that thin metal sliver on the nose bridge, use it. Gently press it so it conforms to the shape of the nose, decreasing the risk of the mask sliding upwards once your dancer starts moving.
Fifth, in the weeks leading up to the event, have your dancers practice with the actual mask (or an exact replica) of the one they will be wearing onstage. Obviously, we don’t want our kids distracted by the feel of unfamiliar material, a different cut of fabric than they’re used to, etc.
More than likely, our dancers are not going to be super-stoked about having to wear masks onstage. So it’s a good idea to do everything you can to minimize the impact ahead of time. Competition days are already hectic enough, so taking some proactive steps can save time and sanity on this all-important day.
Work hard, have fun! – Danielle
Get ready to pack for the next big competition day with Competition Essentials – Costuming!
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanzingDanceMom

Before and After

Wait, What Time Again?
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Au Revoir, Friends
February 5, 2023
April 24, 2020
This is really good advice! Thank you for your tips and tricks.
Holly B
WOW.. never thought about this.. great tips and advice!
Thanks for tips! And your daughter is adorable!
But seriously?! They made them dance in masks?! We were even allowed to do wrestling without masks. These rules are so confusing %)
It has got to be so hard for those girls to dance with a mask on! All of these tips I’m sure help and make a big difference.
How difficult to perform with a mask on. It seems like during performances the masks would not need to be worn as they are at least 6 feet from people not in their “pods.” These adjustments to sports and activities with the masks are such a problem over all! Good for your girls for being such troopers! Good job Moms to adjust on the fly!
lisa Manderino
That sounds awful! Poor girl! Hopefully, the girls won’t have to wear them next season!
This sounds so difficult. Thanks for the advice and tips!
Sandra Whitmore
I was wondering how that was going. We have not yet resumed ballroom dancing with masks.
All great tips! We have total mask mandate so they had already been practicing in masks so that helps – but you do hvae to adjust for the costumes, too!
It’s hard enough for me keep my mask in place while I grocery shop, let alone dance! I love the tip of using bobby pins!
Glad the mask issue didn’t result in injury! Scary moments!!
There are so many moments where I love wearing masks; not having to do a full face of makeup, being able to hide my emotions/facial expressions better, but they are hard to manage. These are some good tips though. Thanks for sharing your dance mask experience 🤙
Tricia Snow
I could not imagine! What troopers!
Melissa Jones
I can’t imagine! What troopers!!
Sabrina DeWalt
You can still see the smile in their eyes.
Honestly, I never would have thought of the mask sliding UP! How scary for that dancer. It sounds as if the judges took that into consideration, so I’m glad the team was able to place!
My heart breaks for little o es in these times. Imagine having to do such physical activity with a mask on. I have no doubt when they train with the masks, they’ll be great.
Great post! I never imagined this would ever be a standard costume piece for all of the dancers.
Oh boy… that must not have been a great experience for that poor kid. The upside is that the competitions are happening… but I can’t imagine that dancing with a mask on can be easy or much fun.
Wow, what an element to have to overcome. I am so proud of these dancers! Wonderful tips!
I am so glad your girls are still able to dance – but boy! It must be so easy to loose things to chaos – great tips and I hope your girls are enjoying the dance season
Great tips & advice!
Cindy Moore
Your girls have been so adaptable through all of this. Who would ever imagine that some day, they would perform while wearing masks over their faces??