First Year Dance Moms – Sharing the Load
While it's tempting to "prove" yourself as a new dance mom, refusing help can hurt you (and your dancer). Take a look at these tips for sharing the load!
She Works Hard for the Money
Years ago, when I coached a Pop Warner dance team, it cost about $100 per dancer to participate for the year. Yep, that was it. The registration fee was about $55, and you would need to buy…
Feelin’ Cute…
This post was originally published on my Facebook page on May 2, 2019. On the morning of an important performance, many dance (and cheer) moms wake up with a pit of dread in their stomachs. While they…
Living in Limbo
The Emotional Roller Coaster of Postponed/Canceled/Rescheduled Children’s Events Parenting is definitely not for the faint of heart, as anyone who has birthed or adopted a child can tell you. Of course, there are the expected trials and…
Emotional Roller Coaster
Back in mid-March, our dance season (along with every event the world over) came crashing to a halt. At first, the general understanding was that the situation would be temporary; in two weeks, things would probably open…
Does That Amuse You?
This meme was first published on my Facebook page on May 19, 2019. Most families have children that are involved in sports with finite, distinguishable seasons. Soccer in fall, baseball in spring, etc. If their child plays…
Dropping the Bomb
Dealing with the Disappointment of a Canceled Dance Season **See bottom of post for the update! My girls’ dance team did not do a single group competition this year (thanks, COVID-19). At the end of February, they…
Hair-Raising Experiences
When moms have to do their daughters' hair for a dance competition, the girls can get a little dramatic! This meme says it all.
No Beginning, No End
In the world of competitive dance, there really is no "off season." This picture captures the endless nature of this activity.
First Year Dance Moms – Perspective, Part 2
There is SO MUCH to learn being a new, first-year dance mom! You can minimize how overwhelmed you feel by keeping focused on what’s important, so I polled experienced dance moms to see what advice they would…