The Gift of Gabby, Part 2
We continue our chat with Gabby, a senior in high school and company member at our dance studio. Gabby took a break from competitive dance awhile back, and has now returned for her final season. Her responses are brave, raw, and unflinchingly honest, and help to provide some insight into her unique experience. I am so grateful to her for her willingness to deeply self-reflect as she tackled these tough questions. Thank you so much, Gabby!
To get caught up first, read The Gift of Gabby, Part 1.
What was the hardest part about leaving?

Honestly, the hardest part about leaving was being afraid if I’d be full of regret. Not only did I not know if I was making the right decision, but I didn’t want to make this decision and regret it one month later. Also, not seeing my best friends everyday like I normally would was something I knew I’d miss. Like we say at my studio, “One Team. One Heart. One Family.” These people were my second family. But I knew I needed to get my grades together and try new things to find out what I really love. I also had fear and anxiety after I left because I felt as if I wasn’t going to be welcomed back when I continued to take class here if that makes any sense. I just felt as if I’d lose some of my closest friends, and that the dance teachers wouldn’t be fond of me anymore. I knew that wasn’t the case, but I would constantly stress about it and that’s what made leaving so hard. I didn’t want to be judged, or thought to be lazy for leaving. I tried to set it aside and remind myself of the better.
What made you decide to rejoin the team?
As I was watching from the side of the stage, seeing my friends dance on the stage at the recital June, 2020 of this year, I realized how much I miss it. I can’t take back all the time I missed, but I can make the most of my senior year and what I have left. Also realizing that I really want to be a Rally Cat at Clemson University made me realize all I really want to do is dance.

What has been the most difficult obstacle to overcome?
The most difficult obstacle to overcome was definitely coming back to the competition team and thinking I wasn’t good enough. When I first stepped back inside the studio since I had been gone, I immediately had negative thoughts swarming through my head because I was scared of how far behind I was compared to everyone else my age. But I worked so hard over the course of summer classes I think I’m officially caught up now. As much as people think I’m so confident because of how I portray myself or how I walk around, I have always been a very self conscious and insecure person deep down, always scared of what people are going to say about me. But recently dance has been my escape from that. Not only am I more confident in my dancing at this very moment but I feel even better than I was two years ago. That may seem crazy but I really worked so hard this summer. I worked out everyday including all the dancing I did during summer classes. I made sure my stamina was up to par and I wasn’t an inch behind anyone else. I plan to use this last year on the competition team to my advantage, and to finally let go completely and not care what anyone thinks of me.
What are you most looking forward to, now that you’re back on the team?
I’m looking forward to being the only senior at the studio! I’m also looking forward to learning new dances this season, working hard, and competing on stage for the last time. I just want to enjoy one last ride with my best friends.

Do you have any regrets about the path you have taken? Would you change anything?
Honestly I have no regrets. I’m glad I took two years to find where my heart belongs. If I didn’t try sports and take off time from dance, I would’ve looked back on my high school experience and wished I got involved more. At least I can now say I did it for the best reasons and was brought back to what I love to do most. I wouldn’t change what I did for anything and I’m glad I did what I did to find myself and my true passion.
What have you learned from this experience?
From this experience I learned sometimes you need to take breaks from things, to see where your heart belongs. Or even trying new things so you don’t regret it in the long run. I’ve also learned to just follow your heart in general. If you don’t want to do something, don’t do it. Never be pushed to do something you don’t want to do. Listen to yourself and live your life how you want. Also never be afraid of what people are going to think about you based off of the decisions you make for yourself. Be the best version of yourself you can be.
What advice would you give to a young dancer who is considering taking a break?

The advice I would give to a young dancer who is considering taking a break is to take that break. First consider all the options and your reasons for your decision and evaluate all the pros and cons but really think about the fact that there is a reason you’re considering a break and if you had no doubts you wouldn’t be having thoughts about it. Regardless of what others think, if you think what you need is a break, give it to yourself. Whether it’s because of your grades, you want to be involved in other things such as sports, it’s not enjoyable anymore, you want more free time, etc., use it to your advantage to figure yourself out. It can really be useful. I wouldn’t tell someone to just quit something they love to do, because that wouldn’t do you any good. The best advice I’d give people is don’t be a quitter, but take a break. My parents always taught us in our house to never give up or ever be a quitter. It’s the same thing to never give up on yourself, but if you’re burnt out from something, listen to your heart and do what you think is best. And also know that taking a break doesn’t make it impossible to come back. It’s not easy and I have had to work very hard to come back after my break but it can be done, I am proof of that. If you really want something you will work hard to make it happen. I truly believe that you should follow your OWN dreams no matter what!
Again, thank you to Gabby for sharing her experience so openly and honestly, and to her family for supporting her through it all! We wish her an amazing future with every imaginable happiness and success!
Update 2-5-22: Gabby has been dancing with the Clemson University dance team since freshman year, and is loving life!
Work hard, have fun! – Danielle
Gabby’s last recital was one for the books – read A Recital Like No Other for more!

Burn Baby Burn
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