First Year Dance Moms – Sharing the Load
While it's tempting to "prove" yourself as a new dance mom, refusing help can hurt you (and your dancer). Take a look at these tips for sharing the load!
She Works Hard for the Money
Years ago, when I coached a Pop Warner dance team, it cost about $100 per dancer to participate for the year. Yep, that was it. The registration fee was about $55, and you would need to buy…
Hair-Raising Experiences
When moms have to do their daughters' hair for a dance competition, the girls can get a little dramatic! This meme says it all.
No Beginning, No End
In the world of competitive dance, there really is no "off season." This picture captures the endless nature of this activity.
First-Year Dance Moms – Perspective, Part 1
Awhile back, I asked dance moms on my Facebook page what advice they would give to first-time moms who are dipping their toes into the competitive dance world waters. As always, their responses created much food for…
Don’t worry, I slowed down
Listen, I love my kids – we all do! But being stuck inside with them for about three thousand months is too much for even the most dedicated parent to take. Between homeschooling, meals (and can I…
Diamond, Platinum, 5-Stars, Oh My!
Originally published on my Facebook page on March 3, 2019. When I coached Pop Warner and high school dance, things were so simple. The teams were grouped by ages (for Pop Warner, our 12-15 year-old team were…
See No Evil
The Bank Account Back when I was a wife, my then-husband and I would argue about a host of things during our marriage (as do most couples). Whose turn it was to take out the trash, why…
It’s been said that you don’t truly appreciate how much something means to you until it’s gone. That’s certainly the case when it comes to fellow dance moms!
Scrap It or Salvage It?
The 2020 competition dance season has been, well, one for the history books. Back in the winter, some teams were able to squeeze in a competition or two before the events (competitions and conventions) started falling like…