Wait, What Time Again?
With all of our kids' commitments, it's easy for us dance moms to forget deadlines, dates, and times! This meme (featuring a We're the Millers scene) captures our confusion.
Before and After
Being a dance mom ages you, especially on competition weekend! This Jennifer Aniston meme shows the before and after effects!
The Great Debate
Let's face it - some dance convention wear looks like swimwear. Maybe this is a case where both parties are right...?
The 12 Dancing Days of Christmas
For the holidays, I thought it would be fun to put together a version of The 12 Days of Christmas especially for dance families, with the line “my true love gave to me” altered to “my dance…
It’s Just a Coating
December 16, 2020 Note – I originally created this meme about a year and a half ago – rehearsals were scheduled for a snowy day, and I was anxiously waiting to hear if they would be called…
Earth, Wind, and Fire
During my girls’ first competition season, they only had one routine they were performing all year (until the recital). I remember lamenting, back then, about how the white of the Dorothy (Wizard of Oz) costume was getting…
Time to Say Goodbye, Part 1
Should your dancer leave his/her dance school or studio? Here are some signs to look for.
It’ll Be Okay, Maybe
I have no gift when it comes to doing hair (my own signature style is a messy side braid that I refer to as "Drunk Elsa"). So the intricate looks we have to create for our company…
It’s a Dirty Job
Even if she has a stomach of steel, there are some chores that even the most seasoned, experienced mom just does not want to touch. Sure, we can plunge our bare hand into the sink to grab…