• Pointe Shoes Fry Futurama Take My Money
    The Memes!

    Take My Money

    For most dancers, the prospect of getting their first pair of pointe shoes is a highly anticipated event.  In the wonderful world of ballet, it typically means that a teacher has observed some signs of readiness in…

  • Flamethrower burning a stinky dance costume
    The Memes!

    Burn Baby Burn

    With fondness, I remember my daughters’ pre-competition team dance days.  They were two years old on the day of their first dance class, and they turned three a few months before their first recital.  They had just…

  • Gift of Gabby, Part 1
    Blog Posts

    The Gift of Gabby, Part 1

    If you’ve been involved with a competitive dance team long enough, you’ve seen kids that were once eager and enthusiastic begin to question whether to continue with the activity they once loved so much.  As they approach…

  • Personal Day with Hide the Pain Harold
    The Memes!

    Personal Day

    April 2022 – With things back to mostly normal in the dance world in many parts of the country, 3-day (or even 4-day) competition weekends are back! And while most of us are thrilled that it is,…

  • The Memes!

    Divide By Pi…

    This meme first appeared on my Facebook page on February 5, 2019. Ah, it’s September again.  The leaves are beginning to turn beautiful shades or red, orange, and gold.  Pumpkins and vibrant mums are beginning to adorn…

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