Does That Amuse You?

This meme was first published on my Facebook page on May 19, 2019.
Most families have children that are involved in sports with finite, distinguishable seasons. Soccer in fall, baseball in spring, etc. If their child plays at the travel level, there are usually extensions of some kind (summer camp, indoor winter training, etc.). But for the most part, their year is broken up into units that coincide with a specific time of year. This helps these families to plan accordingly, and may even allow them to (gasp) schedule a vacation so it does not conflict with the kids’ extracurriculars.
Dance, however, is a different beast entirely. While individual studios vary with how much, if any, “down time” their students get, there is usually something going on during each part of the year. Here’s a sample schedule of what a typical dance year may look like:
September: New classes start; rehearsals from summer choreography may take place
October-November: Recital dances begin; costumes are ordered; some conventions begin
December: Community service performances, Nutcracker shows, rehearsals
January – April: Conventions, rehearsals, and competitions continue; studio pictures; fundraising events
May – June: Regional season ends; end-of-year recitals take place; Nationals begin; auditions for next year’s teams are held
July: National competitions; summer classes and intensives; auditions continue
August: New choreography for next season!
Although individual studios’ schedules vary, there definitely is a year-round commitment to join a competition dance team. So families that are not involved in this crazy, chaotic life might not be able to understand why you break into hysterical laughter you’re asked when your “off-season” is!
Work hard, have fun! – Danielle
If you like this meme, take a peek at No Beginning, No End!

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