Definitely a Type A…

Keeping track of everything you and your family needs is a task of Herculean proportions. If you’re a bit of a Type A personality, you are no stranger to checklists. In fact, you might secretly delight in creating them (it’s amazing how good those color-coded columns can make you feel). For extra street cred, you might even share your original checklists with other busy moms that could use them (and, let’s be honest, you might get a bit of a rush when someone compliments you on how useful they are).
For the dance competition my girls just took part in yesterday, they would be on their own in the dressing room for the first time ever (due to COVID-19 restrictions, there were occupancy limits in place). I would not be allowed in to help them, so I figured they could use some handy-dandy checklists to keep track of what they needed, who was performing in what order, and the supplies we had to pack. Before I knew it, I had jotted down several types of checklists that I would need to provide my girls with.
As I was compiling this list, it dawned on me that I was making a CHECKLIST of all of my CHECKLISTS! The universe turned inside-out on itself as I felt my grip on reality slipping. Yes, I was seriously making a checklist of checklists. I thought about it for a moment, shook my head at the irony, and started plugging away on Google Docs. After all, those checklists don’t make themselves (and neither do the checklists of the checklists).
Work hard, have fun! – Danielle

Do We Have Everything?
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