Gold Star certificate for your dancer!

With the global pandemic having effectively closed the world, dance studios moved to virtual instruction to continue educating their students when in-person classes were no longer an option. Even with these offerings, dancers had to demonstrate a significant amount of commitment and perseverance to adjust to this new normal. Understandably, these hardworking children often felt as if the Zooms, Google Meets, etc. couldn’t possibly replace the experience of live classes (and they were right). So sticking with it, especially when it was hard to find that internal motivation, is an accomplishment worth celebrating!
To celebrate the end of this difficult year, simply download, print (and alter, if you wish) this PDF Gold Star certificate (use the button at the top of the post)! It would make a great award to hand to your dancer after a virtual recital, finale, etc. It’s completely free; all I ask is that you sign up for my newsletter (the inline form is on the right). It would also be great if you poked around the site, shared my posts, and left some comments!
If you would like me to create one just for your dancer (with his/her name on it), please email me at thedancingdancemom@gmail.com for info!
Work hard, have fun! – Danielle

Should I? Just one more?
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