Valentines for Dancers
People outside the dance world have a great deal of difficulty grasping just how much a team’s members support, care for, and love each other. The bond between young dancers is truly unique, so encourage your dancing kids to take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the members of their dance family with these printable valentines! Just fire up your printer, feed in some cardstock, and have a blast!
Dance Family Valentines
With these “dance family” valentines, your dancing kids can let their teammates know just how much they mean to them! Click on the “download” button under the picture to download a printable PDF.

On My Toes Valentines
A good partner keeps you on your toes (sometimes, literally as well as figuratively)! This sheet of valentines is perfect to give to your tap classmates. Just click on the “download” button underneath to get started!

Pointe-Less Valentines
This fun play-on-words is a great way for your dancer to celebrate her ballet classmates! They’ll get the “pointe” rather quickly 😉 Click the black button below to download!

Jazzy Hands Valentines
For a little whimsical fun and silliness, your dancer can give these valentines (featuring a very enthusiastic set of jazz hands)! Perfect for everyone on the team.

Jump for Joy Valentines
Show your dance buddies how much they make you jump for joy with these cute valentines!

For FREE February printable calendars, go here!
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Linda Egeler
Love these Valentines! I am not an actual dancer, but I love my cardio dance exeercise class. Definitely printing these!
Christina Siwik
What a unique and great idea.
These are so creative!! Any dancer would love them!
I like these. I loved dancing when I was younger but my kid hates it. Ny niece would love these for school.
These are so awesome! I love the puns and sayings you have come up with!
What a great way to show love and support to your dance buddies. Love them. Thanks for sharing.
Sydney Delong-Eat Simply Sweet
These are so cute!!
Jason Gowin
Very clever and creative designs! Well done!
Valentine crafts for dance teams. What a wonderful way to keep up team spirit!
lisa Manderino
These are so cute! Love them!
These are cute! Sending to some dancer mom friends!!
Tricia Snow
Such great Valentine’s Day ideas! Thanks!
Sabrina DeWalt
These are super cute!
These are great! Might have to share a few with my nieces who are just missing dance right now!
How cute! Any dancer would love to give and receive these!
Those are really cute and they are fun that they are so appropriate to share for a danceing friend. Thanks for sharing.
These are so cute and such a great way to have the dancers share their love for one another.
How cute! This is such a clever idea to offer ballet inspired valentine’s day cards!
These are so creative and cute! Great idea!
LOL these are awesome!!! I love the “keep me on my toes” one. My mom and sister both do ballet and they’d love that.
Sandi barrett
These are so cute, I love Valentines Day.
Suz | TravelsWithSuz.com
Very cute; I chuckled at the “pointe-less” pun. Happy Valentine’s Day!
What a cute idea! I’m not a dancer and they made me smile!
Super cute! Great ideas!
Those are such cute Valentines for dancers!