Mad Dash

This meme was first published on my Facebook page on February 22, 2019.
Many of us dance moms are working moms (seriously, few families could afford dance without all the income they can accumulate). While we always want to put our kids first, we do have work obligations that cannot always be put on the back burner. For example, our bosses like when we show up (you’re welcome for the helpful hint). Under normal circumstances, that is a pretty easy one to check the box for. But on competition and/or convention weekends, juggling work and family becomes more of a tall order.
There have been times when taking the day off was simply not an option. No, I’m not in the business of saving lives, brokering billion-dollar deals, or anything else that would seem like a high-priority profession. I’m a teacher, and creating solid substitute plans and making other necessary arrangements is more work than actually showing up and doing it myself. Plus, we have a finite number of days we are granted for paid leave; with two young kids that are prone to pick up illnesses just by looking at them, saving my sick time is absolutely essential. Other times, I have an obligation that simply cannot be rescheduled. As is the case for most teachers, the option of simply taking a day off is not always on the table (and we dread reading the notes the sub left when we return).
As most of you know, I am a single parent; usually, life is pretty manageable (chaotic, but doable). But when my presence is required at two places at once, it makes things a bit hairy. So I have few options when it comes to bringing my kids places where they need a parent. My mother and sister help with transportation when they can, but I personally need to be there on competition days. And since neither can go to work for me (what an intriguing idea, though), I have to pull double duty pretty regularly.
When I first published this meme on my Facebook page in February of 2019, one of the comments was, “Why would you even think about going into work on a competition day?” Well, because taking the day off simply isn’t an option for all of us.
So what do we do to make it work as best as we can? Well, prepping a few days before is key. I go through the list of essentials (hair supplies, makeup, aspirin for Mama, water bottles, jewelry, shoes, etc.) and check the costumes. I review the plan with the girls, working out the possible roadblocks before they become reality. Checklists are my friend; I like crossing off as many boxes as I can before the big day. Anything that can be done in advance gets wrapped up (hopefully) before the next morning.
When I arrive home after work on a competition day, it would be advisable to stay out of my way. I’m like a tornado, making a mad dash from the car to the front door and blasting through my house with the force of a natural disaster. Objects get thrown while the dog cowers in the corner. A few years back, my girls would just watch me with wide-open eyes, looking to stay out of my way as best as they could. But now, they roll up their sleeves and join me.
If you’re new to competition dance and think you might be in a similar situation, I have two words of advice for you: limber up. You’re going to be running around quite a bit, and ain’t nobody got time for a pulled muscle (I’m referring to you, not just your dancer).
Work hard, have fun! – Danielle
One Comment
The photo says it all
I don’t know how you do it but you’re doing amazing! Wearing many hats and still doing an amazing job! Kudos!