It’s Just a Coating

December 16, 2020 Note – I originally created this meme about a year and a half ago – rehearsals were scheduled for a snowy day, and I was anxiously waiting to hear if they would be called off. Although I live fairly close to the dance studio, I just did not want to venture out on the icy roads. Shortly after I was done making the meme, I got word that rehearsals were canceled. So you could say that I was saving this for a snowy (not rainy) day.
Since my girls have gotten off the afternoon bus today, they’ve been bursting with excitement. You see, here in the Northeast, we are under a winter storm watch. For days, we’ve been hearing about the strong possibility of a “significant weather event” (I always laugh at this phase. I mean, are we talking about a blizzard or Sharknado? Because, you know, both would be pretty significant weather events, but would require a completely different set of preparations). So my girls have been fervently hoping that their school will cancel classes for tomorrow, and have been pestering me about it for days (seriously, if I had the power to make those types of predictions, wouldn’t my time be better spent channeling the winning lottery numbers)?
Literally, as I was writing this, I received the highly anticipated phone call announcing the closure of my daughters’ school tomorrow. I yelled the news down the stairs to them, and the shrieks of joy and jubilation that they emitted could peel paint off the walls. They’re ecstatic, and I would love for nothing more to make some hot chocolate for them, and watch them bury themselves in cozy blankets on the couch while they watch holiday movies.
But you see, we can’t. Because, well, they have dance.
Just to clarify, I run a family of fairly hard-chargers. We’re always on the go; my kids do SO MUCH BETTER when they’re busy. For example, my high school son has been moping around for the past three and a half weeks because his soccer season has come to an end (I’ve suggested that he do some chores to occupy his time, but you can imagine how well that went over). We’re accustomed to being busy, used to pushing through obstacles that stand in the way of getting our stuff done, so my exasperation about having to drive to dance school in this weather is not the flighty response of a mom looking to shirk some responsibilities.
So I find myself checking my phone a bit more frequently than I probably should, hopeful that a cancellation message will come through shortly. The girls have regular Wednesday night classes (no rehearsals), and the governor just declared a state of emergency, so the prospect of a free night just became a little more possible.
But if classes are to continue as scheduled, it will be a good opportunity to reinforce the lesson that we sometimes have to persevere in the face of adversity. After all, they (and I) made a commitment, and we need to follow through with it.
I guess those cozy blankets will have to wait until I bring the girls home from classes tonight. But once our day is done, it won’t be hot chocolate that I fill my cup with…
Work hard, have fun! – Danielle
The lengths we go to for our kids, amiright?! Just like Cersei here in Walk of Shame.

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I so miss a good snow day. We are most likely having a brown Christmas in the Midwest this year. Way to keep pushing through it all!
Suzan | It’s My Sustainable Life
We just got over 40 inches ourselves. Yes you heard right, 40 😅. Keep on keepin on….
Holly B
Such a difficult situation to be in.. I hope your evening went okay and you all were able to cozy up under those blankets!
You are instilling great characteristics in those girls!
Tricia Snow
Stay safe!
Roselyn Franke
Great article – can relate as I went through similar situations with my children, just no snow issues, though. Keeping the children busy is a good thing; just hard on the Moms!
Sydney Delong-Eat Simply Sweet
Nothing beats a snow day! Except maybe still having dance class…
lisa manderino
I don’t like to drive in those conditions either. Luckily the studio isn’t too far from your house.
Ayesha Siddiqui
We are the same way, we are accustomated to being busy. We’ve always found that if the kids have something to do every weeknight, it keeps them more focused and off the TV!
Oh man, I would be crying inside if I had to drive in a snowstorm bc it didn’t get cancelled haha. Hoping you get that cancelled message!
Living in So Cal, I can’t even imagine a snow storm. Like, everything would be cancelled until it cleared in my book lol! I hope you get your hot cocoa and a relaxing even soon!
Alexis Farmer
Love the Sharknado reference! Haha. Hope you guys make the best out of the snowstorm.
My son had a revelation the other evening! He realized that we will most likely never have a snow day from school again because of remote learning from home now…due to COVID school can march on, now from home…no more Northern Michigan snow days for us!
Your girls are going to remember and be grateful. I hope to get to put your feet up and enjoy your blankets with… well whatever is in your cup. 😂
I can’t believe they’d still have class! But then again, I remember being in a full fledged blizzard and being forced to stay at work because we had to be open…we were a coffee shop and had no customers. LOL
Oh, the memories this brings up for me! Our dance studio was fairly close, but was still located for many years on a two lane road that wasn’t on the first of the list for snow plowing, so we also waited with anticipation for those calls that the studio would close for bad weather so we could stay inside and remain cozy!
Lisa, Casey, Barrett Dog
Lisa always had snow days! Casey not so much, classes went on as usual. Cherish those snow days when you get them!!
Sabrina DeWalt
Kids activities are a neverending cycle until one day they end. Believe it or not, you will miss it.
My kids are online learning this year, so snowdays are going to be non-existent for them. I, however, have no choice but to go to work, Sharknado or not! LOL
Cindy Moore
We homeschooled BUT my kids always hoped for snow days as well! Sometimes we did a shorter day due to weather just for the fun of it.
Melissa Jones
So very true with many extracurricular activities!