I Feel So Used…

This meme was first published on my Facebook page on May 14, 2019.
Competition season is a cruel mistress. She demands every ounce of your attention, effort, and money for most of the calendar year, and you might find yourself muttering, “I have to end this!” with depressing regularity. You’re tired, broke, and you feel completely used. But when she’s run her course and comes to an end, you find yourself questioning what your life is going to look like without her.
For 2020, many of us never had the opportunity to compete at all; everyone else only took part in a fraction of the events they were scheduled to. Dance families around the world mourned, and are still mourning, the absence of our favorite mistress.
Last night, we got word that the competition we were scheduled to attend next week was canceled. We didn’t compete at all with our groups this year, so all our hopes were riding on this event. But unfortunately, it was not meant to be.
The silver lining in all of this is our increased appreciation for competition dance. We don’t know how much we miss something until it’s gone, and we can’t wait to see our dancers grace the stage next year.
Update: Good news! We finally DID get to compete after all in 2020! To read the two-part story, start here: The Greatest Show, Part 1!
Work hard, have fun! – Danielle

Curbing Their Enthusiasm
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