Here’s To You, Dance Moms!

For virtually every dance school in existence, the annual recital is the pinnacle of the year. Studio owners and directors take great pride in putting on the best show possible, and spend countless hours planning for the big day. They prepare their dancers as best as they can in the studio, and often host a dress rehearsal at the actual venue days (or weeks) in advance. This is the school’s time to shine, and the entire staff works tirelessly to make the day run as perfectly as possible.
One and Done
For the families of the baby and recreational dancers, recital day offers a rare opportunity to see their beloved kids strut their stuff. These dancers typically are featured in one or two numbers, so the level of maintenance is fairly low.
Before the show, parents dress their dancers in their one-and-only costume, smooth and pin their children’s hair in place, and may even have time to take some pictures to post on social media before they head to the venue. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and (sometimes reluctant) siblings fill the seats of the theater, waiting for that special moment. Moms and dads beam with pride, lavishing their little ones with praise for a job well done at the show’s conclusion. Afterwards, they may even gather the family for a special dinner at a restaurant, where their young star continues to be the center of attention.
Next Level
Competitive dance moms, on the other hand, may have a very different experience on recital day. To borrow some wisdom from Cuba Gooding Jr.’s character in Jerry Maguire, competitive dance moms have been to the puppet show and seen the strings. We know all of the behind-the-scenes work that will need to be done to help the show go off without a hitch. Quick changes, first aid emergencies, wardrobe malfunctions, making sure all of the dancers are where they need to be at any given time, and all of the other elements needed to ensure a flawless show are huge responsibilities.
In my experience, the school’s staff is far too busy with other tasks on recital day to be worried about individual dancers. Since they’re making announcements during the show, communicating with the venue’s staff, demonstrating in the wings for the tiniest dancers, and tackling every other hosting duty imaginable, the lion’s share of dealing with the dancers themselves falls on dance moms.
We Got This
Having survived a sometimes-chaotic competition season, we are pros by this point in the year. We’ve had experience with each number, having learned the best strategy for slipping on even the most stubborn costume. By now, we know exactly what accessory goes with each routine, and can anticipate the makeup and hair fixes we’ll need to execute during quick changes. When the studio’s staff hands out the recital-day assignments, we can confidently tell ourselves “We got this!”
With lingering COVID restrictions in 2021, our studio owner planned for a company-only show, with five mini-shows three days later. The pace of the second day of shows was…well…frenzied (the post A Recital Like No Other has more details). Going in, we knew it would be a long, draining day. So when the day was done, we felt exactly as we expected to feel: exhausted.
A Job Well Done
With all the hardships of the day having been successfully conquered, we also felt something else: satisfaction. It was no small feat to pull off. A handful of company moms were there all day, both days, for all six shows. I cannot imagine how tired they must have been (my son had a travel soccer game 1.5 hours away that day, so I could only volunteer for one show). I am so thankful for all they did for our dancing kids.
So to all of those moms out there that toughed it out and contributed to your child’s dance recital day, here’s to ya!
Work hard, have fun! – Danielle
$ For daily deals on dance gear, training equipment, hair and makeup supplies, and more, visit my Facebook page $
For another Leonardo Dicaprio meme, check out Not a Care in the World!

A Recital Like No Other

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Great post. It seems like being a dance mom is truly a full time job!
Linda Egeler
While we are not a dancing family, our family has a long history of participating in bands: Concert band, jazz band, marhcing band, pit band…. There’s nothing quite like the emotional high of perparing for and performing in a recital!
I can’t even fathom the amount of energy it takes to keep up with your girls. I could barely do it when my boys were racing bikes, and while they may have multiple races in one day if it was track season, there were no costume/kit changes.
Terra Booth
You are right that the year end recital is a huge highlight for the kids! My daughter would work tirelessly perfecting her performance before each one of these! It has been a disappointment not to be able to do it the last two years but hopefully she will be able to showcase her talents next year!
Haha, I liked your explanation for the baby’s dance recital versus the competitve dance recital. I have only been the beaming mom of my daughter’s rec center recital. What you are descibing is a whole other level. You are amazing!!
I have so enjoyed these posts regarding the insider workings of the dance/recital events. I am in awe of the number of details that go into the entire production. So worth all it to see growth, determination, and smiles. Thanks for sharing.
This year’s recital time probably comes with an added level of satisfaction. You made it! 🙂
Tammy Horvath
I can only imagine everything that falls on the moms of dancers, and you have a home to take care of too. You guys are amazing. I don’t know how you do it.
Sabrina DeWalt
It’s amazing how much work goes into making the show look flawless.
My brother and his wife run a dance studio and their entire lives revolve around so many shows, recitals, competitons, etc… When my daughter turned 13, she wanted to try ballet. I figured that she was too old to begin, but I agreed to enroll her, knowing that a little bit of ballet would be good for her posture, and help her to be more graceful! I had NO IDEA that she would love it like she does. She dances all around the house, constantly praciticing and working on all her {insert French words here}! Ballet has literally changed her entire countenance, her posture, and her attitude. I’ m so very thankful that I said, “Yes!” and feel a bit guilty for not putting her in earlier!
It never ceases to amaze me how much goes on behind the scenes to make all these shows look flawless and awesome. I’m sure that even though you love it, you enjoy a little down time when the recital is finally done.
Your posts helps me understand my friends busy schedule as dance moms so much easier! I am still in shock at how much goes into it
Kiera Gosse
Incredible amount of committment us moms put into our kids activities!
Kudos to the dance moms out there and everyone else who works so hard to put on recitals! I know from my own experience, any show takes a lot of effort!
Athough I only have one daughter in dance, it still seems like such a feat to make it through recital!
Cindy Moore
Appreciate all your behind the scenes accounts of what goes on in the competivite dance world!
Melissa Jones
Wow! This brings back so many memories!
Being a dance mom is really a full time job! Kudos to you.
danielle nieman
Thanks for sharing! My three-year-old niece just started dance. I will check out the links you provided!