Gotta Cover ALL the Bases

Update – January 14, 2022 – I thought of this meme because we have a convention at the end of the month, and I’m concerned it will be canceled. At the end of last year, we thought we were on the road back to normal. But during November and December, a wave of the Omicron variant of COVID began to take hold. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that this convention goes on as planned, but realize it might not.
July 20, 2020 – With our in-person competition just about a week away, it’s impossible not to wonder if it might get canceled at the last minute. After all, there have been sad stories of last-minute cancellations all across the country as COVID-19 cases spike in different areas. Here in New Jersey, we were hit early and hard; most of our metrics have stabilized, but relaxed restrictions, summer vacationers, and other factors have bumped them up recently. So it would not come as a complete shock if we get the dreaded call that the event is either postponed or canceled.
So I was thinking that I ought to start praying or amassing good luck charms (or both) to fight off the bad vibes. That’s what made me remember our poor Benny here. In the movie The Mummy, Imhotep (that would be the aforementioned mummy) comes to life and is advancing menacingly towards Benny. In a desperate attempt to save his own skin, Benny grabs one of the many charms from around his neck, holds it up to keep Imhotep at bay, and recites an incantation from the religion represented by the charm to see which one (if any) has an effect on the resurrected mummy. He cycles through several until he hits pay dirt, and his life is spared (for the moment).
Let’s all hope that we should be so lucky!
Update, July 24: Unfortunately, all of the praying, hoping, and wishing didn’t work. Our competition at the Meadowlands was canceled and moved to the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut. The next day, we were informed that we would not be going to Connecticut either; the resort required all sorts of documentation that we would not be able to provide in time.
I had since learned that many Mohegan Sun employees had recently tested positive for COVID-19, and that we may have run into a problem crossing the border into Connecticut anyway. As of right now, we are scheduled for a competition in September, so that’s where I’m hanging my hopes.
My girls were devastated, and understandably so. I felt at a loss to find a silver lining for them, and knowing how helpless I was made the situation unbearable for awhile. Thankfully, they still have summer dance classes and have been seeing their friends regularly. Good luck to all of us, that we may resume in-person events soon!
Work hard, have fun! – Danielle
It’s been a long time since we’ve had a competition, right Sophie? Check out A Distant Memory.
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Priorities, People!

Curbing Their Enthusiasm
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