Cyber Monday Motivation

Update (November 2021): Yeah, nothing really changed. I did the same thing this past Black Friday, and plowed through most of this weekend (although I did take some time for myself on Saturday, so there’s that).
November 2020: As most of us dance families know, having a child in competitive dance is extremely expensive. So if you’re like me, you’re always on the lookout for an amazing deal, especially when it’s for something that your darling dancer needs or wants. So it should come as no surprise that I, like many other dance moms the world over, was combing through ads for Black Friday sales nearly a week in advance. I got up early that morning and was basically glued to my computer chair for most of the day as I perused the internet for good scores on my kids’ dance needs.
Many of the Black Friday sales and specials carried into Small Business Saturday, so the hunt continued. Not to be outdone, there were a handful of businesses that continued pumping out promo codes, digital coupons, and limited time deals that trickled into Sunday.
As I sit here in the waning hours of Sunday night, I have prepared a list of items that I’m hoping to score a deal on during Cyber Monday. But I need to be honest here and admit just how very tired I am. I feel like my butt has been stuck to this chair for four straight days, and as lucrative as continuing the hunt into Monday can potentially be, I feel my energy draining and my motivation diminishing.
But even though I’m exhausted, both mentally and physically, from the sifting and researching, it just makes financial sense to continue. After all, it’s just one more day, right?
On Giving Tuesday, I think I’ll give myself some time to nap.
Work hard, have fun! – Danielle
Need some ideas for that hard-to-shop-for dancer? Check out Holiday Gift Ideas for Dancers!
For another way dance families part with cash, check out Take My Money.

A Mother's Guilt
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What a good mom! Haha Black Friday isn’t as big in Canada but I definitely see it starting to trickle over with everything being done online now. Hopefully you’ll get some sleep tomorrow 🤪
Sabrina DeWalt
I was online for hours for the Xbox preorder day. That was enough for me. Good for you getting those deals.
Christina Siwik
Good read and a good Black Friday
Tiffany Smith
Good luck getting the things on your list! Each year I struggle not to fall into the “it’s on sale” trap and get things that I don’t need!
Hope you are snagging some great deals today!!
Sydney Delong-Eat Simply Sweet
Hope you got some great deals! I love to shop small, and bought some clothes for my son from small boutiques.
Sarah Bowen
It always surprised me just how much stuff one person needs for dance…and for growing kiddos? Good luck mama!
There are great deals but sifting through which ones are the best is exhausting. So many emails!
Jill DeMasi
I hope you got some good deals! I have been glued to the computer for hours today shopping too!
Sounds like fun.. but you definitely deserve a nap! Lol fun read!
Melissa | It's a Joyous Journey
I used to be way more into Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping than I am now. It seems like it’s turned into more of an all-season long thing as companies try to compete for business, so I don’t feel as much of an urgency to shop on those specific days. I do know you can still get some really good deals, though! I hope you get your nap!
Lisa Manderino
I feel the same way. I Christmas shopped all morning but on a high note I got almost all of it done!
Hope you found some good deals! I am soooo not a shopper!
Suzan | It's My Sustainable Life
This made me chuckle! You are a better woman than I. I don’t shop for gifts anymore, but I feel your pain!
Sandi Barrett
Deals are great – your health is also extremely important.
My computer certainly got a workout this holiday weekend!
Melissa Jones
I love finding such good deals!
Linda Egeler
Your post brought me a much-needed laugh. I also spent way too much time on the computer, searching for Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals. I am making a pact to stop shopping on-line for a while!
Cindy Moore
There were definitely some good deals out there! Hope you got to rest.
Lisa S
Deals are always fabulous!!!