A Recital Like No Other

For most dance schools this year, recitals looked very different than they have in the past. Due to a variety of mask, social distancing, and capacity limit mandates, it seemed like no two recital experiences were alike. Across the country, dancers performed in either an outdoor, virtual, or in-theater show. In places still affected by lockdowns (many of our friends in Canada, for example), the shows were either virtual, postponed, or canceled altogether.
A Balancing Act
When studio owners (SO’s, from this point forward) began to plan their spring recital, they had a mountain of factors to consider. Here in New Jersey, an early epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, we had strict limits to adhere to for maximum capacity back in the winter. For a long time, we just didn’t even know if an in-person recital was going to be possible.
SO’s started making plan after plan, trying to research outdoor venues while keeping an eye on the ever-shifting mandates. As our infection rates began to plummet in April, we became more hopeful than an indoor experience would happen after all. Our SO forged ahead with plans to host the event in our local theater, which has been our go-to venue for the life of the school.

To maintain social distancing and crowd capacity limits (what was in effect at the time, anyway), our SO scheduled one show for competition-only numbers, plus five mini-shows for company and recreational students (on a different day). She also created a seating chart to maintain social distancing. With these measures in place, we would be in compliance with existing guidelines. Our SO did her best to arrange the shows so that siblings would be in the same show as one another, and that our company’s non-competition routines were all in at least one show together. I can’t even imagine the hours of coordination and planning this took!
Times, They Are A-Changin’
With less than two weeks until the big days, our governor relaxed many of the mandates that would apply to our event. When I first heard the news, I thought of our SO and said, “Damn, she did all that work for nothing!” While we were all thrilled that the show would happen like it had in the past, I felt so sorry for all that wasted time and effort. She opened up the rest of the seats for ticket sales, and people planned to attend multiple shows now that seats were available.
It was far too late to change the schedule, so the plan to have a company-only show on Thursday and five mini-shows on Sunday went forward as scheduled. My girls would have eight/nine numbers on Thursday, and would be performing in 31 numbers on Sunday! We knew Sunday would be a long, grueling day, but as they say, the show must go on.
True Professionals
I was most concerned about the last show on Sunday because my girls (and many of the other teen/senior dancers) had several instances of one-number quick changes. Behind the curtain, there was only enough room for about five dancers. So most of the dancers had to run downstairs, get changed, and come back upstairs within a three-minute window (multiple times). Plus, they were already exhausted from the previous four shows that day. I feared the worst, but hoped for the best.

We got “the best.” As expected, our dancers rose to the occasion and delivered amazing performances throughout both days of the recital. There were some snafus – Thing 1 couldn’t find her headpiece in time for her solo (it was in the garment bag, go figure), and her earring nearly ripped her ear while tugging off a costume during a quick change. Another dancer suffered an injury when a teammate’s foot came down hard on her finger. Aside from these and some other minor mishaps, however, everything ran smoothly.
To say that these kids were amazing is an understatement. With the energy and enthusiasm pouring off the stage, even at the end of the longest of days, we audience members would have had no idea that the dancers were exhausted, hurting, or otherwise in less-than-peak form. They are the embodiment of grit, determination, and perseverance, and we are all so proud of them.
A Tough Situation

As fantastic as the whole event was, I hope we never have to use that format for our future recitals. The day was too long and draining for everyone, especially the dancers. Dragging my girls out of bed for school the next day was a Herculean task, and I had a splitting headache that kept me home from work. Thankfully, the SO gave the company members off on Monday night to rest and recuperate.
All in all, I’m so incredibly thankful that my kids got to have a recital at all. So many families had something virtual, or outside (during a blistering heat wave), or nothing at all. As we slowly return to normalcy, we can be grateful for any and all opportunities that give our children a chance to shine.
Work hard, have fun! – Danielle
30 in one day?! I cannot even imagine!
I can’t believe there was that many performances! Go girls!!!
31??? That’s a lot to learn!! Good for them. Your twins are beautiful!!
Terra Booth
You are so lucky to be able to perform! It sounds like quite the schedule but my daughter is really missing performing. We are in Ontario so have been on lockdown for most of the past year and everything was done virtually but it’s not the same.
It sounds exhausting but fulfilling for your kids. The life of a dance mom sure sounds crazy.
Tiffany Gunther
Your girls are beautiful! Hopefully things will get back to normal with recitals again soon. I’m glad they still got to perform!
Sabrina DeWalt
Wow! What an insane schedule. I am happy that things have been relaxed so next time, hopefully, you can have a more normal performance schedule.
The girls are beautifull. Happy they got to have a recital. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon!
Wow the schedule is intense! I am so happy though for our kids that events and extra curriculars are opening back up. It’s so nice to see them doing what they love.
Alexis Farmer
What a crazy schedule! Glad they got “the best” and get to continue to do what they love.
Sheesh! What an absolutely Insane schedule! I think I’ll go take a nap now! Exhausted just reading about it! LOL
It sounds exhausting! I hope we are done with social restrictions for a while now.
I cannot imagine 31 numbers in one day! Your girls are so tough! Hopefully it won’t have to be like that again. Kudos to you all for getting through it!
A recital like no other indeed! 30 performances! I have no doubt your girls had a blast though.
Kristen W Allred
This is really interesting to think about dance recitals. I’ve had the same thing to deal with for my piano recitals. So far they have been online, but I think that will change soon. Hooray!!!
Interesting topic! 30 performances! WOW!
Allison Peteet
Wow! Despite all the obstacles due to COVID-19, it sounds like the show was a HIT!
Suz | TravelsWithSuz.com
Sounds grueling, but worth it! Your girls are so pretty – are they twins?
Cindy Moore
That’s a LOT of performances! Well done girls. Hope the next season is more normal, if there is such a thing!