Keeping the Connection – Maintaining Studio Spirit During Closures

One of the most compelling reasons for signing your children up for dance is to provide them with an opportunity to create lasting bonds with other kids that share their passion. Learning to become an integral part of an interdependent group will set them up for success when forming work teams as adults, and the shared trials and tribulations of being a member of a competitive dance team provide the basis on which to develop lifelong friendships. But with schools around the world forced to shut their doors (at least for the time being), studio owners and staff are being challenged to maintain that feeling of connection among their young chargers. Maria Petrizzo (the studio owner) and her daughter Lex Petrizzo (the lead choreographer and creative director) of First Class Dance Academy in Brick, New Jersey, relate their experience with keeping their students feeling connected emotionally while being separated physically. Thank you to the both of them for sharing their feedback!
First and foremost, how are you, your students, and your staff doing?
We are doing well and being optimistic in a very uncertain time. Our students and staff feed off us so it’s very important to maintain a positive mind-frame.
What part of the “in-person” class experience do you and/or your staff miss the most?
We miss the camaraderie and the energy that you get from being in the same room. We miss the high-fives, the hugs, the cheers…all the things that we do as a studio family to celebrate each other.
What has been the biggest challenge to keeping all of the dancers feeling motivated?
The biggest challenge we face in keeping our dancers motivated is continually being creative and fresh with our online program.
What have you done to help the students feel “connected” to the studio, even during this virtual learning time?

We have done many things to keep our dance family connected and alive during this virtual learning process including daily Instagram challenges, Q&A’s, Virtual Spirit Weeks, Bingo, Scavenger Hunts, Free Master Classes and most recently we made custom hearts for each of our students and displayed them on our studio windows for everyone to see.
What have you done to keep staff morale raised?
Our staff are all amazing and find new and creative ways to keep their classes engaged. We have trained them exactly how we want our virtual classes to run so that the expectation from our customers is fulfilled. We will be doing something very special for our teachers once this is over and treating them…a SURPRISE!
Are there any students that have “dropped off the radar,” and if so, what have you been doing to draw them back in?
Unfortunately, yes we have lost students due to this pandemic. We are hopeful that they will return as soon as they are able to. We keep in contact with them through email and phone conversations and always assure them that their FCDA home is waiting for them.
In terms of studio spirit, has there been a silver lining to this cloud? In other words, what are some “positives” that you are taking away from this experience?

The positives we are taking away from this experience is just how much we truly love dance and all aspects of being part of a dance family. When something is taken away from you and you find any way possible to make it work, you know your heart is fully vested. We hope our students will never take for granted a “long dance day,” a “hard day,” and even a “bad day.” I think we’ve all learned that the bad days are what make the good days so great and that being together and supporting each other is what builds up each and every one of our spirits. We hope everyone is just as excited as we are to get back into the studio and dance together again.
Work hard, have fun! – Danielle
What are some things your studio has done to keep up the morale and studio spirit? Post them below!

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Beth Shields
Never thought about this kind of impact and can see that it would be a challenge for sure. Looks like some great ideas to do that. Thanks for your post.
Thanks so much! The dancers spend so much time together between classes, rehearsals, competitions, and conventions, that they see more of each other than their own families most years. This year has been so different, and my girls are chomping at the bit to see their friends again. Thanks for weighing in!
The twins look like happy dancers! I bet y’all have a blast!
Thank you! They are happy girls, and just love dancing.
What great advice not just as a dance mom but also as an employer… we sometimes forget to check in with people.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed, with everything going on. Thank you!
This is a challenging time for all. Sounds like you you are working through this to keep your girls dancing!
Thanks! Yes, it’s very difficult for everyone. Hoping we can all come through this stronger and braver.
Impactful for sure! Great ideas!
They’ve been working really hard to keep everyone engaged. Thank you!
Tricia Snow
I have a friend who is going through the same thing with her business. She has found it challenging to get people back.
It’s got to be so tough, with all of the uncertainty. Best of luck to her!
Great advice for such challenging time, its important to keep the social aspect of our lives and being connected!
Agreed. People’s mental well-being takes a hit when the social connection is disrupted. Thanks so much!
Great advise for helping to stay connected! We all need this is these trying times.
Agreed, we all need to feel connected, even though we’re physically isolated. Thank you!
Lots of kids are missing their dance troupes. Great advice during this time.
Thank you! They miss their teammates so much, and can’t wait to see them again.
heather J jandrue
We don’t do dance in my house, but my youngest son does karate. He is training for his black belt and this has been a trying time. They do zoom classes every week, but he is dying to get back into the studio.
When kids are part of a group (outside of school and home), it can become like a second family. They miss it so much when it’s inaccessible. Keeping my fingers crossed that your son gets back to karate soon!
Eva Keller
Great perspective. It’s good to look back and find the positives when there’s a lot of change. I also like that you’re finding creative ways to keep everyone engaged.
Thank you! The studio owner is trying very hard to keep everyone’s feeling of family going.
This seems like a lot of dedication and commitment. And I can see they really are passionate about dance 🙂
Thank you! We refer to the studio as their “dance family.” They’re all so close and connected, and miss each other terribly right now.
Lisa Manderino
I miss all the teachers! I miss all the exercise my kids get when they do activities as well!
Thankfully, they’ve still been running Zoom classes so they’re keeping up with their physical fitness and technique (to some degree). Thank you!
Sara - Seek Discover Learn
Our kids are having to sacrifice and make adjustments in so many ways during this time. It’s so important to keep talking to your kids during this time and make sure they are coping and that their questions are answered.
Absolutely! Being as transparent as possible (and in an appropriate manner) will help to alleviate some of their stress. Thanks for weighing in!
The far reaching impact of our daily life changes are hard to manage. Good that you have your eye on them.
Thank you! The kids’ lives have been so drastically altered, so a sense of normalcy (when and where we can find it) is crucial.
This is so true. My Madelyn LOVES ballet, lives for it every week. Our wonderful dance studio has done several YouTube videos so that is helping my little ballerina stay connected. I can’t wait until we are all together again.
Aw, poor thing. Here’s hoping she is able to get back in the studio soon!
Suzan | It's My Sustainable Life
Coming out the other side of this, hopefully, we can all remain grateful for what we have! There is nothing like being in the energy of a class filled with eager participants!
Couldn’t agree more! Thanks for commenting!
Are things starting to open back up where you are? Our local studio is opening on June 1st. My daughter has really missed her friends!
We’re phasing in some re-openings, but most indoor businesses still face tight restrictions. We’re in Jersey, one of the hardest-hit states, so they’re being very cautious. Some towns are relaxing some regulations (allowing fitness classes outside, for example), but it really varies by municipality. My girls have missed their friends, teammates, and teachers so much! Keeping fingers crossed for all these kids. Thanks for weighing in!
It’s so great to see the comraderie still in place during all of this. Dance team members are such a great close knit family.
They really are! It’s become like a second family to my girls. Thanks for weighing in, and take care!
Good to read that people are making the best of the situation and figuring out creative ways to stay connected!
It’s a tough obstacle to overcome, that’s for sure. Thanks for your comment!
Great advice for such a tough time! Thanks for sharing.