The Memes!

Not So Fast, Moms

I don’t know about you, but every spring, I start to make a mental list of all of the activities and experiences I’d like my family to do during the upcoming summer.  Plans for berry picking, visits to the zoo, beach days, and other fun excursions fill my head, and I look forward to our time together with eager anticipation.  Plus, we all could use a little downtime after the hectic school year, right?

But, like every year, the reality of the summer of 2021 did not quite match my springtime vision.  Weeks before school even ended, my email account began filling with messages from my kids’ dance, soccer, and wrestling programs.  Rehearsals, competitions, practices, tryouts, choreography sessions, intensives, scrimmages, and matches dominated our July and August calendars.  And if we weren’t already busy enough, my son decided to get himself a part-time job.  With a sinking heart, I realized that there would be very few “off” days for all four of us to share.  

The End Is Near

Here in New Jersey, our students return to school in early September.  Since I’m a teacher by trade, my start date is September 1 (even though I’m doing quite a bit of work for my new position during my time off).  With that, my family only has about three weeks of summer left to enjoy.  That time will be filled with back-to-school shopping, and the inevitable last minute scramble to get the summer assignments done before the first day back. 

These few remaining weeks will essentially disappear (much like my willpower when presented with brownies).  Seeing as my son is going to be a junior in high school this year, I’m saddened by the knowledge that we have a relatively short amount of time left before he leaves the nest.

Unrealistic Expectations

Honestly, I don’t know how I could have possibly expected any other outcome.  My girls have been dancing for about a decade now, and my son has been a soccer player for 13 years.  Being bound by their extracurricular schedules is nothing new, yet I continue to set myself up for disappointment each year by creating unrealistic expectations.  

Flipping the Script

So here’s my plan going forward:  Rather than focusing on what we didn’t get to do, I’m going to make a list of everything we did manage to squeeze in.  For example, we competed at nationals in Ocean City, Maryland this year (a first for us).  Before we reported to the venue, I made a point to fulfill a childhood dream of mine. 

Since I was in sixth grade, I’ve always wanted to see the wild ponies of Assateague Island.  As difficult as it was to fit it in, I’m so grateful that I was able to share that moment with all three of my kids.  It’s the kind of memory that I’ll cherish for a long time, and I hope they do, too.

Also, I’ll try to remember that everything we’re doing (dance, wrestling, soccer, and job) is a part of their education.  Each of those activities contributes to the young people they’re becoming, and will shape their characters as they venture into adulthood.  As their parent, that’s one of the most valuable things I can do for them – provide opportunities for learning and growth.

It would have been nice to sleep late more often, though.

If you find yourself limited because of your kid’s extracurricular schedules, you’re in good company! I needed to reschedule a surgery to fit our dance commitments; check out the meme and the story in Priorities, People.

Work hard, have fun! – Danielle

Are you following The Dancing Dance Mom on Instagram? If not, click here!

Dance-coach-turned-dance-mom to identical twin competitive dancers!


  • julie

    Busy Mom!….great idea of flipping your mindset. Sometimes I wonder if kids don’t really care how busy they are it’s us as parents…maybe WE want to squeeze everything in, no?

  • Chelsea

    I’m exhausted just reading all you had to do over the summer. Thankfully, all of our kids’ activities end in spring expect for Scouts so we have the summers off to get much needed rest and relaxation. I hope you have a great start to the school year! It’s been a crazy start for us and we’re only on day 5 LOL!

  • Barbara

    Good for you to make it a priority to “fit in” one of the items that was important to you! That’s a great lesson for us all…even when the schedule looks impossible!

  • Sandi Barrett

    Someday you will have so much time on your hands you won’t be able to fill it. The crazy, kid filled days are worth enjoying.

    I have grandchildren schedules now – that’s fun too!

  • Adrienne

    Even with my kids not participating in any activities right now, I find it hard to get down everything we want. I certainly do try to knock out all that I can from our lists when we do get the opportunity to!

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