Feelin’ Cute…

This post was originally published on my Facebook page on May 2, 2019.
On the morning of an important performance, many dance (and cheer) moms wake up with a pit of dread in their stomachs. While they might also be nervous about the event itself, the pressing issue at hand is determining what mood their daughter might be in when she wakes up.
If the gods smile upon you, your young lady will rise with a bright, cheery disposition, rivaled only by the sun itself. The preparations will go smoothly – all the pieces of makeup are in place, the hairstyle practically does itself, and everything is right and good in the world of competitive dance and cheer.
However, there are times when your precious girl, the fruit of your loins, wakes up in a mood so foul that everyone around her ducks under and behind furniture when they hear her coming. You might even question whether she’s possessed; surely, this demon from hell cannot POSSIBLY of your own creation! If this is the case, be prepared for the fight of a lifetime; she will surely snarl and swipe at you, teeth bared, throughout the entire hair and makeup process, much like a wounded, cornered cougar. If that’s the case, just pray to whatever deity you worship (or if you don’t have one, console yourself with the knowledge that you’ll be indulging in some drinks later to dull the pain and memories), grit your teeth, and look forward to the moment you release her to her teacher.
Work hard, have fun! – Danielle
For more drama, see Hair-Raising Experiences!

Living in Limbo
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